Ways to Support Us

Donate by Mail

Send a check or money order made payable to Queens Theatre to:

Queens Theatre

Attn: Development Department
14 United Nations Avenue South
Flushing Meadows Corona Park
Corona, NY 11368

Individual Support

Queens Theatre is committed to producing, presenting, and creating programs, events and activities that engage, enrich, and speak to our diverse audiences. Since its founding in1989, Queens Theatre has been embraced by a generous community of donors committed to supporting the premier venue for the performing arts in Queens. Each year, asubstantial portion of our budget is comprised of the donations of hundreds of individuals and families. Consistent support from donors like you has a transformative ripple effect onour work – it validates it, encourages more, and further fosters an environment for the performing arts to live and thrive.

Workplace Giving

Many public and private employers participate in workplace giving campaigns that allow employees to contribute to their favorite charities through payroll deductions. Check withyour employer’s human resources or personnel office for more details. Many organizations will also match charitable contributions made by employees. Check with your employerto see if your gift to Queens Theatre can be matched - or perhaps even doubled or tripled - by your employer. Then forward your employer’s matching gift form to Queens Theatrealong with your donation.

Planned Giving

If you care about the community where you live and want to make a lasting impression, then please consider making a gift through your estate to our endowment fund.

Endowment gifts, capital grants, bequests and other types of planned gifts help provide long-term financial stability for the institution and enhance our ability to undertakeexpansion of our artistic programming and the restoration and renovation of our landmark building. By remembering Queens Theatre in your estate plan you help to ensure that thisresource will continue to serve future generations.

Queens Theatre also welcomes gifts of stock, bonds, and other appreciated assets.